Thursday, October 11, 2007

Back to the rescue kids....

So, the OH kids are doing well... Everyone seems to be settling in and getting more comfortable. They are still very people oriented--I refer to them as little spazzy dogs. They make me laugh every day.

I've been able to socialize some of them with each other--and they are now caged together (which is major) That was kind of a stressday day--I picked and chose who I thought would go best together--and then when they was a problem, took the problem out of the equation and tried someone else. Then, I ended up sleeping upstairs with them, because I was afraid that there would be a problem in the night--and I didn't really want to wake up in the AM and walk into a room full of "weasies pieces" haha, get it????--I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

So, at this point--Goliath, Twitch and Uno are together--the three of them are very playful, amusing but don't need to be "the head weasle in charge" Watching them run around together is actually hilarious.

Meelo and Blazor are together--initially, they both seemed to be more mellow--but they are coming out of their shells. Blazor is just a sweet boy, and I think he would prob get along with anyone who didn't try to beat him up. Meelo is turning into quite the litle Napolean--he is perfect with Blazor, but I haven't been able to get anyone more timid in the group, because he beats on them--and anyone more aggressive will beat on him....he's also pretty funny as he holds grudges--if he's mad at me for some reason--he turns his head away from me and will withhold kisses--if he's really mad, he will gently bite me--as if to say "mama, I am not pleased with you"

Dudelee is my little timid man--I would love to get him with someone else, but when I tried to get him with Meelo and Blazor (who I thought would be the perfect group for him) Meelo tried to beat the crap out of him--and when I put him with Goliath, Twitch and Uno--he tried to beat the crap out of Uno. I will try that one again--he might have just gotten aggressive because he was nervous--so, I'll give it more time and see what happens next time.

I think that Pippy would prob get along with anyone, however, she is so little--I am not going to put her with any of the boys until the testosterone is COMPLETELY out of their systems--which I'm told is about 4 weeks. Once that is done, I think she might be a good fit for Dudelee--She is so fiesty though, she follows me around the room, gnawing the crap out of me (she only has a couple teeth, because continuous breeding sucked the nutrients right out of her body) so, every so often, I say "ow" and act like she hurt me, to make her feel productive. :-) It makes her happy, and making her happy makes me happy.

Turbo--not really sure that I'm going to find someone who is a good fit for him--he is such a nice boy, he's funny, sweet and amusing--with people. With other ferrets, he is HEAD ALPHA WEASEL IN CHARGE--and he's not had the experience with other ferrets to be a benevolent Alpha. It's something that I will just continue to work with--he would prob be a better fit for a ferret who is comfortable dealing with other ferrets--and who knows how to respond appropriately. Only time will tell.

Levi is coming along--he still nails me every so often, but he is getting better. I just can't figure out why he's biting--so it's hard for me to deal with it pro-actively (which is usually how I work with biters) So, my strategy with him thus far, is not give him any fingers or toes--if I present bare skin to him (without ferretone) it is the back of my hand. Fortunately, he is a Ferretone "whore" and I am able to mostly handle him with the aid of "tone"--but yet, he will kiss my face....


Katrin said...

That's great that you were able to get some of them to co-habitate! WOW! Kudos to all your hard work!!!!

Shelly said...

Thanks. :-)