Thursday, November 8, 2007

So, now that things have settled down a little bit....

Now that things have settled down a little bit, I've had more opportunity to work with Dudelee. He is HILARIOUS!! and I truly believe that he will flourish in a weasel free house. We now have a potention foster parent/adopter for him--I met her last night and really liked her. She also very involved with dogs and cats. She is going to meet him on Saturday and we will see how it goes.

He is getting much more comfortable coming to me, while he is free in the room. He used to evade capture at all costs when free--but now I can periodically pick him up, give and kisses and put him back down to go about his business (which is one of my ways of training that that hands are not bad--and so they know that just because I pair of hands "caught them" doesn't mean it's time to go back in the cage) He is very engaging--and if I just lay on the floor, he will come and crawl up my back. He actually gave me kisses when I picked him up!!

Interestingly, I had a dream last night where there were these little reptilian like monsters who kept nipping at my feet and eating my stuff--even in the dream, I kept saying "I don' t understand why I am the only one they go for" Well, when I woke up and thought about it, I realized that you don't really need freud to figure this one out--aparently, even my sub-concious is sick of having my feet nibbled on..... LOL Hilariously, there were only two little bitey monsters--hmmm...I'm surprised they weren't named Pippy and Levi--because the dream was sooooo obvious!!!!

Turbo and Blazor are doing really well at Diane's--we gave everyone baths (including her guys) so everyone smelled the same--and it's changed the whole dynamic of her business (business is what a group of ferrets is called) Her freshies aren't fresh anymore--they know who the new Alpha is (Turbo) however, one of them is a little confused-you can see in his little face that he's thinking "I don't know who I'm supposed to bite or be friends with" hahahah--but they are all doing well. So pathetic--I cried when I left them there--and I am going to see them all the time. I can't even imagine what I'll be like when the rest of them go to their new homes--I'll have to hold it together--I don't want to make anyone feel like they are taking my ferrets away.

On Sunday, I took Cali up to play with the group upstairs and they were all in their glory. Yesterday, I took Coyle up--all in all it went very well--but Levi was DETERMINED to make Coyle understand that he is not the Alpha--but it was fine--no puffy tails and no smelly poofing.

Pippy is doing AWESOME. she's put on some good weight and runs around the room with the boys--even rough-houses with them--and if someone messes with her--she takes care of it and they leave her alone. It's pretty funny considering she's about 1/4 of their size!!

Levi is about the same--he only bites when he gets wound up and I truly don't believe he is being malicious. I think the big challenge for him now is to teach him to inhibit his bite--because he doesn't get that you can be playing and just mouth gently--you don't have to draw blood every time. Typically, a good way to do that is to say "ow" and then stop playing when they bite too hard--then they realize what the limits are--but when you say "ow" and try to stop playing--he turns into a maniac--and you have to fend him off--which re-inforces the fun part because he LOVES it--you can almost hear him giggling. He things it's funny--it amuses him. So, I have to think of a new way--that doesn't re-inforce his behavior.

Uno and Twitch will be going to their new home within the next couple of weeks--and Pippy and Levi will be going after Thansgiving--but will be coming back to me for weasle sitting at Christmas (since everyone else is uncomfortable with his "unpredictability") LOL

I'm thinking that if the meeting on Sat goes well, Dudelee will prob go home with her then.

Loki had a Vet appt this morning and the diagnoses is official--it is lymphoma--The vet is now able to feel her lymph nodes upon physical examination--Not really a surprise, just a confirmation of what we already knew. The good news is that she is acting like she actually feels better. On Saturday--she was at the door of the room begging for attention and she hadn't done that in MONTHS. She was playing and interactive--that was wonderful to see. She hasn't been as good as on Saturday since--but, her little face is alert and her eyes are wide open--and she was being interactive with the staff. So, we will continue with the Pred and she has a recheck in a month--just so we can keep an eye on her status. I still have to have a conversation with the other vet--if only to let him know what he did so he doesn't do it again. I've been waiting to get less emotional about it (ie. angry) but I don' t think it will get any better--so, I need to concentrate on being professional and courteous--I just have to work up the nerve so I can say what I need to say (it's easy for me when I am in the heat of anger, but more difficult once I have calmed down)

1 comment:

Katrin said...

So sorry to hear about your girl.

Glad the other weasles are doing well!