Monday, December 3, 2007


Everyone has been adopted out--and all seem to be doing very well. I went to visit Dudelee (his name is now Krechure) this weekend and he was hilarious!! He is in a house with 1 dog and 3 cats--and doing very well. It's a perfect fit for him--he gets animal compionship without the stress of being with another ferret (he was prob attacked and that's why he attacks other ferrets) He remembered me, but has obviously settled in very well with his new family.

Levi and Pippi (now Pippin) left on Friday--Pippin is a completley different girl-her fur is beautiful and she's got some good heft to her. As of Friday, Levi was barely biting. I had he and Pippin downstairs with the rest of my guys and he interacted with Rich and I with no problem. I could pick him up and give him kisses while he was just wondering around the room--the only time I really had to watch out for him was when he got really wound up and wanted to play--as I could usually read when that was going to happen. His new Mama sent me pics over the weekend of him and he had already made friends with one of her guys (same energy leven) they were all snuggling. I can't wait to see how far they've both come when they come to visit me for Christmas.

Uno and Twitch have totally settled in and have their new mama wrapped around their paws....

Blazor and Turbo are at Diane's and doing well--except Blazor has a cough that I've been concerned about since I got him (he gets it off and on and we have mentioned it to the vet) Loki is going in for her recheck on Wednesday, so I am bringing him with us so he can have a chest x-ray.

Goliath and Meelo are doing FANTASTIC--Goliath is a little (he he--he's a horse) Weasley ambassador--he is four lbs of energetic, friendly highly amusing fuzziness-Meelo is very handsome, but would be HORRIFIED interacting with a bunch of people he didn't know since he's still pretty shy with strangers.

Loki is hanging in there--her lymph nodes are now huge, but she still seems bright eyed and comfortable--I am just continueing to keep an eagle eye on her.....

Coyle now has his winter weight and coat and he is my little Polar Weasle again...

Freckles (my rehabbed biter) thinks he is a dog--he lays next to me on the futon--and gives me doggy kisses

Kawzy is doing Ok--although, he is getting bald patches on his back (he's showing adrenal symptoms) so, he will be going into the vet for a Melatonin implant--but he and ZuZu still meander around the room (and were playing in the tubes the other day)

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