Meelo had his 2 week post op checkup yesterday and it went very well. ALL of the swelling is gone (even the swelling in the joint, which would normally still be there for a dog or a cat) He is off activity restriction and I'm going to try to start swimming him for rehab (try being the operative word here--if anything, at least the video will provide a few laughs) He is actively using the leg-although he sometimes holds it straight out like he used to. I believe part of that is habitual because he is so used to being aware of it and holding it like that--and I think it will get better with time.
I'll keep you posted regarding how water rehab goes...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thoughts from Diane on the day we lost Blazor...
"Blazey" Blazor has wind in his whiskers today as he prepared for his journey to the bridge. It doesn't seem possible that he and his other friends from Ohio only came to us in September until he left us today.
Both his "Mama-Aunties" were there with him. We were not able to keep his blood sugar stablized for the past few months and despite increasing his medicines, frequent feedings and round the clock care for the past several weeks he continued to have debilitating seizures.
Today boosted by dextrose, he enjoyed a wonderful romp around outside in the grass bathed in sweet sunlight.
As he neared the stone wall with a little opening, he turned around to look at us both to make sure we were still there behind him. His tail up, nose sniffing the air, whiskers to the wind it was a striking scene how similar this little woodsy scene brought to mind that maybe this is what going to the bridge looked like..... We sure will miss you Blazor.................
Author~Diane Wall, July 1-2008
Both his "Mama-Aunties" were there with him. We were not able to keep his blood sugar stablized for the past few months and despite increasing his medicines, frequent feedings and round the clock care for the past several weeks he continued to have debilitating seizures.
Today boosted by dextrose, he enjoyed a wonderful romp around outside in the grass bathed in sweet sunlight.
As he neared the stone wall with a little opening, he turned around to look at us both to make sure we were still there behind him. His tail up, nose sniffing the air, whiskers to the wind it was a striking scene how similar this little woodsy scene brought to mind that maybe this is what going to the bridge looked like..... We sure will miss you Blazor.................
Author~Diane Wall, July 1-2008
My letter regarding McKids--one year later
As I read Diane's post about the McKids and how much has happened in a year--it brought to mind some of the other moments that I (and we) experienced with them....both good and bad--but all of them emotionally moving...
I remember the first moment that I met Goliath and he crawled up my chest, nestled in my neck and decided that I was going to be his forever Mama.
I remember when Pippy (now Pippin) would latch on to my finger or toe and for a while, I couldn't figure out why I was the only one she bit--until it dawned on me, that she was trying to carry me off--under the bed, under the dresser--because Mama was her favorite toy.
I remember the first time that Dudelee (now Krechure) was brave enough to crawl up my back (I was lying on the floor trying to look as harmless as possible) and stick his nose in my ear.
I remember Levi (now Oscar) biting me to the bone --and trying calmly to get Diane off the phone (she was facing the window and didn't see what happened) as he war danced in a puddle of my blood (which other than feeling bad about the stress he was obviously under, I still find kinda funny)
I remember the first time I was able to pick up Levi without leaving a blood trail while I ran for the band aids.I remember watching their fur turn soft and healthy and watching their eyes come alive.
I remember finding Twitch on the stairs and him looking up like "oh, Hi Mama--what's happening?" (I'm still not sure how he got out of the room and ended up having to bungee cord the martin playpen we used for his cage, closed)
I remember giving Turbo kisses and him deciding that I needed a lip piercing --and having to ask for help to pry him off (by the way--he still tries that with me--for some reason, he likes the way Auntie tastes. LOL)
I remember sitting in the room at the Emergency Vet with Goliath--thanking him for coming into my life and telling him how much I loved him--and telling him that I would see him at the Bridge.
I remember Blazor walking in the grass behind the vets office right before Diane and I made the painful but necessary decision to let him go--and he stopped one last time, lifted his head up and turned around to make sure that we were still behind him.
Every moment is burned into my heart and I feel blessed that these kids came into our lives. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it!!
I remember the first moment that I met Goliath and he crawled up my chest, nestled in my neck and decided that I was going to be his forever Mama.
I remember when Pippy (now Pippin) would latch on to my finger or toe and for a while, I couldn't figure out why I was the only one she bit--until it dawned on me, that she was trying to carry me off--under the bed, under the dresser--because Mama was her favorite toy.
I remember the first time that Dudelee (now Krechure) was brave enough to crawl up my back (I was lying on the floor trying to look as harmless as possible) and stick his nose in my ear.
I remember Levi (now Oscar) biting me to the bone --and trying calmly to get Diane off the phone (she was facing the window and didn't see what happened) as he war danced in a puddle of my blood (which other than feeling bad about the stress he was obviously under, I still find kinda funny)
I remember the first time I was able to pick up Levi without leaving a blood trail while I ran for the band aids.I remember watching their fur turn soft and healthy and watching their eyes come alive.
I remember finding Twitch on the stairs and him looking up like "oh, Hi Mama--what's happening?" (I'm still not sure how he got out of the room and ended up having to bungee cord the martin playpen we used for his cage, closed)
I remember giving Turbo kisses and him deciding that I needed a lip piercing --and having to ask for help to pry him off (by the way--he still tries that with me--for some reason, he likes the way Auntie tastes. LOL)
I remember sitting in the room at the Emergency Vet with Goliath--thanking him for coming into my life and telling him how much I loved him--and telling him that I would see him at the Bridge.
I remember Blazor walking in the grass behind the vets office right before Diane and I made the painful but necessary decision to let him go--and he stopped one last time, lifted his head up and turned around to make sure that we were still behind him.
Every moment is burned into my heart and I feel blessed that these kids came into our lives. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it!!
Post Op Day 7
It's been a week since the surgery and I can't believe how well he is healing. The swelling is almost (if not totally) gone and the bruising is totally gone. He is totally weight bearing on that leg--and the biggest concern for me right now is letting him out to stretch his leg out--without him getting excited and overdoing. Last night I had him on the bed with me for about 5 minutes and he got so excited that I was afraid that he was going to overdue and re-injure himself.
I have an area rug that my sister gave me some time ago (hand me down) that is not my taste so I never put it out--but, I think I am going to put it out in the weasle room for now so I can let Meelo walk around in there for a little bit and he has enouph rug to give him traction. He is on cage rest for another week--so, I've been putting Freckles and Coyle in there with him at night for the past couple nights so he doesn't get lonely and depressed. I have some awesome pics of the three of them snuggling up. That I hopefully will be posting later today--so, keep looking. :-)
I have an area rug that my sister gave me some time ago (hand me down) that is not my taste so I never put it out--but, I think I am going to put it out in the weasle room for now so I can let Meelo walk around in there for a little bit and he has enouph rug to give him traction. He is on cage rest for another week--so, I've been putting Freckles and Coyle in there with him at night for the past couple nights so he doesn't get lonely and depressed. I have some awesome pics of the three of them snuggling up. That I hopefully will be posting later today--so, keep looking. :-)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Post OP day 4
Friday, September 12, 2008
Another poignant FML (Ferret Mailing List) post from Diane...
It occurs to me in the early hours of the morning today, sun's coming up as I smile looking at some little faces,
that it's about a year since one of the first groups of ferrets rescued from Ohio arrived to us at South Shore Ferret Care in Massachusetts.
They went down a long road to even get out of "that place", bonded the ferret community together as never before, they travelled a highways and back roads through the rain and the darkness to peer at me for the first time scared but looking back at me with hope. We took in nine of these wonderful little ferrets, not a big number but as much as we could handle for a two person shelter a pinpoint on the map of the world.
Little moments of the past year pop in my head......hopping into my car to transport them home, all nine of them poofing at once with the windows up (it was pouring rain).....jumping right back out of the car and heaving from all the POOFING ....... (we don't get many whole ferrets here in Massachusetts so that was our first poof experience!)Michele's dedication and round the clock care.....gaining their trust.... first looks of love.....the first tenative steps on the floor...... first bowls of soup..... first soupy kisses.....litter box ramp sliding......first time playing.....sighing after successful surgeries.....calls and emails of local ferret people offering to help......laughing and crying at their first war dance......taking endless pictures to document each moment......watching the wonderment as each personality developed...........crying endless tears as Goliath left....... crying more tears as Blazor left..........listening to each detail of each dedicated ado ptive parent updated us on how wonderful they were all doing.........Ohio ferret reunion at the health care clinic..........getting kisses from Turbo "the tough boy" at 2 am after Mr. Ferret died and again when Oreo died and "his momma" was very sad....hearing that Meelo's knee surgery was successful and hearing relief in Michele's voice.....
So many wonderful thoughts from such a monumental rescue.......
Post Op day 3
Well, today the bruising and swelling looks alot better--and he is actually using the leg more often now (as opposed to dragging it behind him like he was doing yesterday) However, he is still not eating and drinking on his own.
I just put Freckles in the cage with him so he could hang out with at least one of his siblings for a little bit--and you should have seen how happy he was. He just lay down next to Freckie like "ahhhh". I wish I could leave them together in there, but I'm just concerned about the incision and/or him attempting more activity than is good for him--so, he will have to make do with a short visit for today.

I just put Freckles in the cage with him so he could hang out with at least one of his siblings for a little bit--and you should have seen how happy he was. He just lay down next to Freckie like "ahhhh". I wish I could leave them together in there, but I'm just concerned about the incision and/or him attempting more activity than is good for him--so, he will have to make do with a short visit for today.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Meelo--Post Op day 2
Today I had my Tysabri treatment so I was at Beth Isreal for the day. As I did not feel comfortable leaving Meelo by himself for an extended period of time--I brought him to the vet for day boarding. The added benefit was that since he was there, the vet took a look at him.
She said that he is doing well--the incision looks good ( thus far, he's not picking at it) and although he is swollen, it's not excessive. You can tell that he is sore, but he doesn't seem to be in an excessive amount of pain--although that might be because I am keeping his pain meds on a pretty consistant schedule.
He is still not eating/drinking on his own, but I'm not sure how much of that is "oh mommy keeps picking me up and giving me yummy soup so I don't have to eat kibble" and how much is "I just don't feel good"--although, at this point it doesn't really matter since I will continue to hand feed him because I want him to keep his strength up so he can heal.
I let him out on my bed for a little bit again today--just to get him out of the cage and he was so cute--he just kept burrowing under the comforter and then sticking his head out at me like "here I am!!" I did notice that he tries to use his leg when he's on the bed--which is good for a couple of minutes to keep it limber--but, I don't want him to overdo.
At this point, he seems to be healing nicely (knock on wood)
She said that he is doing well--the incision looks good ( thus far, he's not picking at it) and although he is swollen, it's not excessive. You can tell that he is sore, but he doesn't seem to be in an excessive amount of pain--although that might be because I am keeping his pain meds on a pretty consistant schedule.
He is still not eating/drinking on his own, but I'm not sure how much of that is "oh mommy keeps picking me up and giving me yummy soup so I don't have to eat kibble" and how much is "I just don't feel good"--although, at this point it doesn't really matter since I will continue to hand feed him because I want him to keep his strength up so he can heal.
I let him out on my bed for a little bit again today--just to get him out of the cage and he was so cute--he just kept burrowing under the comforter and then sticking his head out at me like "here I am!!" I did notice that he tries to use his leg when he's on the bed--which is good for a couple of minutes to keep it limber--but, I don't want him to overdo.
At this point, he seems to be healing nicely (knock on wood)
Meelo's surgery--Surgery Day and Post Op day 1
Meelo's surgery went well. He came through it like a champ. I observed and it was very
interesting (although I couldn't watch when they intubated him) When the Dr came out of the room she told me that the knee is most definatly stabilized now--the only problem is that we are just using conjecture as to how this is going to proceed. She had to use Sutures to attach the tendon to the bone because he is so small (where as they use a different material for larger animals)-so, we wait and see how it holds up over time.
September 9, Surgery Day:
The actual surgery probably only took about 1 1/2-2 hours. After surgery he woke up rather quickly and was eating soup out of my hand within a half an hour. We were on our way home within another half hour.
They had already given him pain meds, pre surgery and also gave him antibiotics during surgery--so, he wasn't scheduled for his next bought of pain meds until the evening--however, he was demonstrating pain responses, so I gave it to him early. He spent most of the day totally out of it (he hadn't gone the bathroom at all until that night, so that was a little concerning to me) I hand fed him soup and water every couple of hours.

September 10, Post op Day 1:

He was more alert today, but seemed to be more painful. I kept on with his pain med schedule and tried to ease him as much as possible (pick him up and rub him) until he didn't want it anymore --and then I'd put him back in his cage. I took him out and put him on my bed, thinking that he would appreciate the change of scenery--but, he tried to wonder all over and explore (even though he wouldn't use that leg) so, I thought he was overdoing it and put him back into his cage. He is going the bathroom, but he is not eating on his own--so, I am handfeeding him his soup every four hours and handfeeding him room temp water with ferretone on it every four hours--so, it works out to: feed-two hours later, water-two hours later, feed, etc.
Tomorrow I have to go to BI for my treatment and don't feel comfortable leaving him by himself yet, so I am bringing him to the vet for day boarding-- (if you saw my list of instructions you would laugh your hiney off) but hey, that's me.
I have pics beginning with Pre-OP, but I just haven't downloaded them. I will prob edit the post at a later time to include the pics.
Be well, and Peace Out.
interesting (although I couldn't watch when they intubated him) When the Dr came out of the room she told me that the knee is most definatly stabilized now--the only problem is that we are just using conjecture as to how this is going to proceed. She had to use Sutures to attach the tendon to the bone because he is so small (where as they use a different material for larger animals)-so, we wait and see how it holds up over time.
September 9, Surgery Day:
The actual surgery probably only took about 1 1/2-2 hours. After surgery he woke up rather quickly and was eating soup out of my hand within a half an hour. We were on our way home within another half hour.
They had already given him pain meds, pre surgery and also gave him antibiotics during surgery--so, he wasn't scheduled for his next bought of pain meds until the evening--however, he was demonstrating pain responses, so I gave it to him early. He spent most of the day totally out of it (he hadn't gone the bathroom at all until that night, so that was a little concerning to me) I hand fed him soup and water every couple of hours.

September 10, Post op Day 1:

He was more alert today, but seemed to be more painful. I kept on with his pain med schedule and tried to ease him as much as possible (pick him up and rub him) until he didn't want it anymore --and then I'd put him back in his cage. I took him out and put him on my bed, thinking that he would appreciate the change of scenery--but, he tried to wonder all over and explore (even though he wouldn't use that leg) so, I thought he was overdoing it and put him back into his cage. He is going the bathroom, but he is not eating on his own--so, I am handfeeding him his soup every four hours and handfeeding him room temp water with ferretone on it every four hours--so, it works out to: feed-two hours later, water-two hours later, feed, etc.
Tomorrow I have to go to BI for my treatment and don't feel comfortable leaving him by himself yet, so I am bringing him to the vet for day boarding-- (if you saw my list of instructions you would laugh your hiney off) but hey, that's me.
I have pics beginning with Pre-OP, but I just haven't downloaded them. I will prob edit the post at a later time to include the pics.
Be well, and Peace Out.
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