interesting (although I couldn't watch when they intubated him) When the Dr came out of the room she told me that the knee is most definatly stabilized now--the only problem is that we are just using conjecture as to how this is going to proceed. She had to use Sutures to attach the tendon to the bone because he is so small (where as they use a different material for larger animals)-so, we wait and see how it holds up over time.
September 9, Surgery Day:
The actual surgery probably only took about 1 1/2-2 hours. After surgery he woke up rather quickly and was eating soup out of my hand within a half an hour. We were on our way home within another half hour.
They had already given him pain meds, pre surgery and also gave him antibiotics during surgery--so, he wasn't scheduled for his next bought of pain meds until the evening--however, he was demonstrating pain responses, so I gave it to him early. He spent most of the day totally out of it (he hadn't gone the bathroom at all until that night, so that was a little concerning to me) I hand fed him soup and water every couple of hours.

September 10, Post op Day 1:

He was more alert today, but seemed to be more painful. I kept on with his pain med schedule and tried to ease him as much as possible (pick him up and rub him) until he didn't want it anymore --and then I'd put him back in his cage. I took him out and put him on my bed, thinking that he would appreciate the change of scenery--but, he tried to wonder all over and explore (even though he wouldn't use that leg) so, I thought he was overdoing it and put him back into his cage. He is going the bathroom, but he is not eating on his own--so, I am handfeeding him his soup every four hours and handfeeding him room temp water with ferretone on it every four hours--so, it works out to: feed-two hours later, water-two hours later, feed, etc.
Tomorrow I have to go to BI for my treatment and don't feel comfortable leaving him by himself yet, so I am bringing him to the vet for day boarding-- (if you saw my list of instructions you would laugh your hiney off) but hey, that's me.
I have pics beginning with Pre-OP, but I just haven't downloaded them. I will prob edit the post at a later time to include the pics.
Be well, and Peace Out.
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