Saturday, November 29, 2008

My new work in progress....

On Wednesday, I brought home a new foster who "needs some work" in all honesty, it's very likely that he is "unadoptable" and therefore staying with me as a "permafoster"

He is VERY adrenal and we are currently working to get it under control. How that translates practically speaking is that he is aggressive. Think horny teen with no impulse control crossed with Neanderthal--and you might get the picture. The good thing is that it's not his fault and he really is a nice boy. (of course, the ferrets he is dragging around by their neck, may not agree)

We decided to send him to my house, 1. as a reward for all the hard work that I do... (hahahahaha--that was my joke-work your butt off, and as a reward, you get the ferret that doesn't get along with anyone...) 2 (the real reason) because I have a really great group of ferrets who like to mess around, but usually don't get offended easily --so they will either get away from whomever is bothering them, or bat them off-but it usually doesn't turn into a major aggressive episode. and 3. he likes to bother little girls--and my girls aren't little--my girls are tough and scary. One of my girls (Mari) made Diane's Alpha cry and we had to go rescue him. :-(

So, I brought him home on Wednesday-and let him out in the room with a couple of guys, just to see how it would work out. At first, I just had him out with Henri and Tempe (my kids who get along with EVERYONE) thinking he might not mess with them. At first he didn't--but, then I found him dragging Henri under the cage by his neck--with Henri completely limp (he wasn't hurting him, and Henri was acting appropriately to a more dominant ferret)--but, I didn't want him to be subjected to that. So, for his protection, Henri went back in the cage. A couple minutes later, the same thing happened to Tempe--so, I rescued her and put her in the cage.

So, after that, I thought that I would go straight to the big guns--no more messing around--yes, that means...MARI came out. (cue scary music). My mindset was that he might not continue to try to mess with someone who won't let him.

It actually worked--he tried to mess with her for about an hour--and she tried to mess with him right back--and then they got tired--so, there would be about 15 minutes of quiet with periodic messing with each other noises. Then they decided that they would be friends.

Then came the next step--another ferret. But, who should it be?? I decided the nice kids were out of the question (at least for that night) so that meant that Tempe, Henri and La La were staying in the cage. Al can be fresh with the smaller girls-(cause he's kind of a bully) and I was afraid that he would get the fur kicked out of him. Freckles is also adrenal and I could just picture the two adrenel boys going at it, so that was out. There was no way I was going to subject my foster girls to him because they are too delicate and even don't associate with my beasties. So--that left Coyle and Meelo--which could go either way. Sometimes Coyle is a bully and other times he totally takes crap--it depends on his mood. I never really know how he will react to each new ferret. On the other hand-Meelo NEVER takes shit (but he's so big, he rarely gets it) so, it could go either way. I thought that I would give it a shot.

The immediately went at it--but more noise than aggression--both their tails were poofed, but I knew that Meelo wasn't really mad because he is not descent ed and when he is truly mad--trust me, all know it!! That went on for a little bit then it settled down. I needed to go to bed, so I put Skipton (the new kid) in his own cage (for every one's safety) and went to bed.

The next morning, I was feeling dangerous (lol) so I let them all out (except the foster girls) and there were a couple of scuffles, but nothing major (mostly between him and Freckles, which I suspected) and Al was under the radar, hiding out. (LOL)

I let them all hang out for a bit and then put him in the separate cage again so I could go "do Thanksgiving"

To be continued....

1 comment:

Marlene said... be continued.....please do not make it another month! You have a captive audience!