Friday, September 28, 2007

Got Em!

Hey, I just wanted to touch base and let everyone know that we did get the weasies last night. They need TLC, but are not nearly as bad as I thought they were going to be. With love and patience, they are going to be all right.

They are dirty--and need ears and nails done badly--but they are not emaciated. They are very sweet, but jumpy and easily frightened--they do much better if you don't make sudden movements--but I've already gotten LOTS of kisses.

I'm really tired, but I just wanted to keep everyone posted. I will post later in the weekend with more details. We will be doing baths, nails and ears tomorrow--so I've no doubt I will have more interesting stories to share.


Thursday, September 27, 2007


Well.... the room is ready (mostly) and ready to rock and roll--or should I say, poop and dook...hahaha . I have 6 cages outfitted with blankets, litter boxes and food/water. OH--and did I mention that we are now getting 9? There was a little mis-communication with the woman bringing them from OH for us--however, she is doing us (and the weasles) an enormous service, so what are you going to say? Obviously those were the ones meant to come to Diane and I...

Also, as far as I know, they had all been kept in separate cages--so, for the time being, that means 9 cages (at least until/if I can slowly integrate them to the wonderful world of weasle piles) Fortunatley, Diane brought over the six cages this morning (might I add, four of them she dismantled from the shelter) and Rose (the wonderful woman of LFFR-Little Feet Ferret Retreat-where I get all my rocking custom snoopy bedding) is going to lend me 2 or 3 more tonight when we go pick the guys up from her (she was meeting the person who came from OH)

Soooo...right now I'm just waiting to get this show on the road (God, I hope those aren't famous last words...) hahahahahahahah

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Weasle ETA

Newest Update:

They should be getting to my house sometime Thursday evening. I am still experiencing a combination of excitement and terror--I think I will feel better once we get to see them and assess them--at least then I will have a better idea of what I am dealing with....

Friday, September 21, 2007

Now arriving Wednesday or later....

Update: they will now be arriving on Wednesday or later....--so that gives me more time for set up.


Oh MY.....

So, as I've mentioned to some of you--I will be taking in (for 3 weeks) a small group of unsocialized, unaltered, unvaccinated ferrets from a rescue that took place from a "breeder" in OH. Looking at the pics of these guys, breaks my heart. They are being taken in by the shelter, but are being quarentined at my house.

I am in the process of setting up an appropriate space for them--which will keep everyone in my house as safe as possible--they will be upstairs in a room that is currently my "storage room" (which just means that it's full of shit that I have to clean out). There will be no interaction between them and any of my other critters--Sandy will be blocked from going upstairs at all until quarentine is complete. I will have separate clothes and shoes from when I am upstairs and then need to change and sanitize before I interact with anyone else in the house.

I have no idea what to expect from these guys--from what I understand, they've not been socialized--which means that they could be grateful to interact with others--or they could want nothing to do with it. I will post back once they've arrived on Monday--with my general impressions.... Please, WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!