Sunday, February 17, 2008

Forever moments....

The House is still as I lay asleep on the futon. Below my conciousness, I feel a little brush against my face. Thinking that I am dreaming, I sigh and fall back into sleep. But there it is again, like little butterfly wings, gently kissing my cheeks.

I lie there, floating in that state between sleep and wakefulness I feel it again--along my chin-my nose, my lips, my eyes. As it continues, I finally surface and slowly open my eyes. It is Loki.

Having awakened from her perch in her split hammack--she comes over to the futon to rub her whiskers and nose all along my face. As I lay their unmoving, she continues to give my face her little whiskery kisses until she is done.

She pats my cheek with her nose one last time as if to say "I love you mama, now I'm going back to bed" and toddles back to her hammie to fall back to sleep.

I am blessed, because I will have that moment forever... even after the lymphoma has finally won the battle she continues to wage--I will have that moment. I will be able to pluck it from my heart-where all such memories are safely tucked away.

My first little sable baby, blessing her mama's face with her sweet little whiskery kisses.

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