Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Loki and Kawzi go to the vet....

Loki and Kawzi had a vet appt yesterday....Loki her monthly check up and Kawzi because I had some suspicions that were unfortunatley prooved correct.

Loki is doing well... considering. She now looks like a blowfish and has bloomed to a voluptous 2 + bls (she was originally 1 1/4 and most of the weight gain is edema) but she is trucking along--she was fiesty enouph at the Dr's to growl at them when they took her temp--and then tried to climb up the vets pant leg to explore. We are paying attention to her quality of life and not her clinical symptoms--I can only Thank God that she still seems comfortable and is doing her thing.

Kawzi has lymphoma. His abdomen had enlarged within the past week and the lymph nodes at the back of his neck and legs popped up. There is nothing additionally that we can do for him, as he is already on a substantial dose of Pred (for his insulinoma) The vet noticed a little bit of wheezing (through the stethescope) so we believe that the lymph nodes might be starting to occlude his breathing. As of now (other than him lying on his back) there have been no signifigant breathing changes, but that is what I have to watch out for. Zu Zu knows he is sick--when they are out in the room, he walks around sticking his head into beds until he finds Kawzi and then climbs in on top of him (which Kawzi does not always appreciate...lol)

I will just have to continue on with what I've been doing--getting as many Kawzi doggy kissies as I can--and keeping him as comfortable as possible.

Sometimes I hate being right. :-(

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