Friday, November 23, 2007

Broken Heart....

There has been alot going on with the OH guys-and I will post on that in the near future--but there is some information I wanted to share now.

In four days, I have lost 2 of my ferrets--not foster ferrets, My ferrets.

On Tuesday, when I was at obedience, there was a horrible accident-Cali was under the futon and must have jumped up right when Rich sat down (very bad timing) When I got home, I got everyone out for their nightly soup and I found her--she was gone. Of course, Rich is beside himself--not to mention how hysterical I was when I found my one year baby girl dead. She was my little bouncy baby girl--she was the one who got everyone playing--who would poke her little head out and rub her nose on my ankle. She is the one who got everyone started running laps on the futon at 5:00 AM.

On Wednesday night--Dusty started to get really sick--all the vets were closed and none of the emergency vets around here are well versed in supportive care for ferrets-so I knew that there was nothing they would really do, that Diane and I couldn't do (and by the way she was presenting, we both thought it was some kind of really bad dental abscess) . So, we nursed her--fed her every couple of hours, got her fever down and kept her comfortable. I brought her to the Dr this morning (not any of my normal vets because none of them were in the office) and she was diagnosed with Lymphoma--and she was critical, so I helped her to the bridge.

Normally, I am very spiritual, truly believing that no matter what happens--even if we don't understand it, it happens for a reason. I didn't question it after I got diagnosed, after I lost Dutchy, or even when we thought we were going to lose my father. After Tuesday night, I was having ALOT of trouble with that. I was very angry--I just couldn't see what the reason could possibly be. One of my friends had said to me, that there just be someone at the bridge who needs her really badly right now and I told her that she could be right, but I just wasn't there yet. I didn't stop to think about how prophetic her words would be.

Well, there was someone who needed her really badly--she needed to be there to pave the way for her introverted more reserved sister. Cali was an extrovert--and apparently Dusty needed her to hold her paw at the bridge until Mama could get there.

So, they will be cremated together, and I am going to have a friend fashion them in clay, with wings cuddling together.

Rest in peace my babies--I'm sorry that you both had to go so soon, but I thank you for coming into my life and being my weasies. I miss you both more than words could possibly describe.

I will hold you both in my heart until we meet again.

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