Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thoughts from Diane on the day we lost Blazor...

"Blazey" Blazor has wind in his whiskers today as he prepared for his journey to the bridge. It doesn't seem possible that he and his other friends from Ohio only came to us in September until he left us today.

Both his "Mama-Aunties" were there with him. We were not able to keep his blood sugar stablized for the past few months and despite increasing his medicines, frequent feedings and round the clock care for the past several weeks he continued to have debilitating seizures.

Today boosted by dextrose, he enjoyed a wonderful romp around outside in the grass bathed in sweet sunlight.

As he neared the stone wall with a little opening, he turned around to look at us both to make sure we were still there behind him. His tail up, nose sniffing the air, whiskers to the wind it was a striking scene how similar this little woodsy scene brought to mind that maybe this is what going to the bridge looked like..... We sure will miss you Blazor.................

Author~Diane Wall, July 1-2008

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